Saturday, July 27, 2024

Xbox Series X: Everything you need to know about from Release Date to specs

Xbox One X is still a high end and new technology console but its replacement is already here and it is none other than the Xbox series X. The Xbox series X is speculated to be the Microsoft’s fastest and speediest consoles. It is rumored to be one of the most powerful consoles and would be launching soon to blow your mind away. The console will be openly challenging the play station 5 and will take gaming to a new and exciting level.

Here is everything we know about the Xbox series X till now.

Xbox Series X development and design

The Xbox X was unveiled in a prestigious game awards ceremony and it was revealed to the world in December 2019. The Xbox X had a lot of prior names that were not finalized but the developers have finally locked in the name as Xbox series X. The magnificent design of the Xbox X was revealed in December as well. The design of the console resembles a lot to a tower PC and looks less similar to a usual gaming console. It is aesthetic and not just pretty. There is a heat dissipation system in the system because as it is rumored that the console is going to a lot of cooling when it is operating. A wireless controller will also be launching with the console so that it makes things easy for you to play.

Xbox series X specs

We have seen how the Xbox Box X looks like and we also know a bit of its design but the complete specs of the gaming console haven’t been out as yet. A few details about the Xbox have been revealed here and there and we have gathered a little information about the specs in bits and pieces. It was confirmed during the revelation of Xbox X during the award ceremony that the console will be using the latest chipsets and architecture from AMD is going to be utilized. AMD has been a partner of Xbox for a while now so it makes sense that Xbox X will be using AMD chips.

The machine will be able to run games in 120 different frames and it will achieve a resolution upto 8k. A 16 GB RAM would be building in and 13 GB would be solely set aside for gaming. The new and latest specs incorporated in the Xbox X confirm that the console will be a lot more powerful than the previous Xbox One.

Xbox series X games

The newly launched games for Xbox series X will be compatible with Windows 10 and Xbox One. The sequel to Ninja Theory is expected to launch with the Xbox series X. The trailer of the game gave a clear indication of how capable Xbox series X will be. The trailer gives a clearer image when watched in 4K on youtube. The CEO of the Xbox series X revealed in a press conference that they have been working to make Xbox X exceptional and better than the previous one so that the game content providers don’t feel disappointed in investing with us.

Xbox series X price

The rumored price is estimated to be around pound 430. The real price hasn’t been revealed yet so we are just making a guess based on the tag slapped on the box when it was launched. At least some of the boxes launched in this series would be around that price.

Xbox series X release date

Xbox series X release date is expected to be somewhere around the holiday season in 2020. It should be around November or December. A more exact date would probably be out around June.

Teodora Torrendo
Teodora Torrendo
Teodora Torrendo is an investigative journalist and is a correspondent for European Union. She is based in Zurich in Switzerland and her field of work include covering human rights violations which take place in the various countries in and outside Europe. She also reports about the political situation in European Union. She has worked with some reputed companies in Europe and is currently contributing to USA News as a freelance journalist. As someone who has a Masters’ degree in Human Rights she also delivers lectures on Intercultural Management to students of Human Rights. She is also an authority on the Arab world politics and their diversity.

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