Friday, July 26, 2024

Most High Demand Jobs in Australia 2020

If you are thinking about living in Australia for a while and would like to work in the country to pay for your expenses, there is something you should know: unemployment in Australia is almost nil, job opportunities are enormous and the accessibility offered to foreigners it’s very good, but… It’s not as easy as it seems! It is very easy to access jobs in Australia for more regular students, but if you want to access more qualified positions, you have to meet more requirements, including having a profile searched in the country.

How can you tell if you meet this profile? Thanks to the list of professions demanded in Australia published by the government. If your profession is on the list, you can be in luck!

On the list of demanded professions in Australia:

Every year the Australian Department of Immigration and Border Protection publishes the Skilled Occupations List (SOL). The list includes the professional profiles that the government wishes to incorporate into the country’s labor market.

Keep in mind that Australia is a country that is close to the full in employment, that is, all people willing to work, have an easy way to find work. This causes certain professions to be in high demand since demand, sometimes grows faster than demand.

The list of professions entered into force and serves as a reference for people who wish to apply for any of the work visas listed below.

  • Skilled Independent Visa
  • Skilled Regional Provisional Visa

Regardless of whether your profession is on the list of professions demanded in Australia, getting one of these visas is not easy and economically expensive. You have to meet many conditions and do a lot of paperwork. It is for this reason that many people choose to travel to the country with a student visa, much easier to obtain and then request from there one of these visas.

Most demanded positions in Australia:

You can check the entire list of professions demanded below. In any in Grower, we have decided to make a selection of the most interesting ones or the ones that ask us the most.


Although Australia is a relatively new country with little gastronomic tradition, it is strongly committed to creating its own gastronomic identity, and Australians like to go to restaurants and try elaborate dishes. For these two reasons, the position of Chef and Australia is in high demand and we can find it in the list below.

There is also the option of training there as a Chef while you work.

Programming and development:

If programmers and developers are already requested worldwide, they are even more so in Australia! is an innovative country and the need for programmers and developers is high. Salaries are quite high and labor options of all kinds.


In the list of demanded professions in Australia you will find a lot of positions related to nursing; from educators to practitioners and specialists.


With the economic crisis, many countries stopped investing in public works and private works also slowed. That meant that a profession with as much output as architecture was partially blocked by the current situation in the country. In Australia this or has happened, they have managed to weather the economic crisis and investment in public works has remained stable. For this reason, architecture is another very interesting profession to develop in this country.


Medicine is another of the big sectors that most need foreign talent. If you review the complete list that we have shared, you will see that there are many offers of medicine, from general medicine to specialties. In addition, Australia is a country at the forefront of medicine and its public health system is very powerful and very well equipped so you can continue training there.

What happens if my profession does not appear on the list?

If your professional profile does not appear on the list or you simply want to opt for a simpler alternative to obtain, the student visa may be what you are looking for. The student visa allows you to study and work in Australia to continue training professionally.

The good thing about this visa is that it allows you to train in many of the most demanded professions while you pay your expenses. Once the training is completed and if you liked the experience of living in Australia you will have the possibility to apply for a Skilled Visa from the ones mentioned above.

Teodora Torrendo
Teodora Torrendo
Teodora Torrendo is an investigative journalist and is a correspondent for European Union. She is based in Zurich in Switzerland and her field of work include covering human rights violations which take place in the various countries in and outside Europe. She also reports about the political situation in European Union. She has worked with some reputed companies in Europe and is currently contributing to USA News as a freelance journalist. As someone who has a Masters’ degree in Human Rights she also delivers lectures on Intercultural Management to students of Human Rights. She is also an authority on the Arab world politics and their diversity.

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