Thursday, July 25, 2024

This is the reason why you gain weight even if you eat too little

Gaining or losing weight is, simplifying things a bit, the result of a balance between acquisition and energy expenditure. The organism acquires the one it assimilates from the ingested food. And due to the activities, it develops it also spends energy, it loses it in the form of dissipated heat.

The activities are very varied: some are necessary for the normal functioning of the organic systems (cardiac, renal, nervous activities), including the maintenance of body temperature. Others are linked to the renewal and repair of cells and tissues. They are, on the other hand, responsible for the synthesis of new structures. Finally, also the muscles involved in physical exercise. When the acquisition of energy exceeds spending, the body gains mass. If the expense is greater than the assimilation of energy, the opposite occurs.

Put that way things seem very simple. Although in these matters nothing is as simple as it may seem, the acquisition of energy is a relatively simple term. There are two main factors to consider: the amount of food and its composition, which affects its energy content and the ease or difficulty of digesting and assimilating it. Energy expenditure has more complications because several factors influence.

If we take into account what are the determinants of the elements of acquisition and energy expenditure, nobody is surprised that overweight and obesity have reached a high prevalence in today’s societies. There is a lot of food and, in addition, in general, we have a predilection for succulent foods, with high energy content and easy absorption. Regarding spending, we have a notable tendency towards a sedentary lifestyle and physical inactivity. We also live in environments of great thermal comfort: we are hardly in conditions that force the body to spend a lot of energy to keep the body temperature stable.

Things seem very simple. And yet, they are not so much.

We all know people who, although thin, are not deprived of mealtime. Those who gain weight easily contemplate them with envy, aware of how hard it is to limit themselves to a good table, not to snack between hours or suffer running through the streets, or pedaling in an unbridled way on an exercise bike. The opposite is also known to us, people who seem not to eat much and who, however, have excessive weight.

Why eating similar amounts of food and maintaining similar levels of physical activity some are fatter and others thinner? What do these apparent metabolic inconsistencies obey? Some may be due to factors not taken into consideration. But another important element to consider is the genetic factor, especially because of its incidence on the metabolism and, therefore, on energy expenditure.

Obesity is inherited

A study published this year compared the genome of 1,600 very thin people, 2,000 very obese and 10,400 of normal weight. The results confirmed that obesity is an inheritable condition to a degree not very high but important. To be precise, they estimated their heritability at 32%.

Thinness is also inheritable, although to a slightly lesser extent, 28%. These percentages indicate the proportion of the variability of the trait studied – obesity or thinness – in the population that is due to hereditary factors.

They have also identified a set of genetic variants linked to a condition, some of which were already known, and others linked to the opposite. Therefore, obesity and thinness, in part at least, are also inherited. Although this, to some, does not help us much comfort.

Teodora Torrendo
Teodora Torrendo
Teodora Torrendo is an investigative journalist and is a correspondent for European Union. She is based in Zurich in Switzerland and her field of work include covering human rights violations which take place in the various countries in and outside Europe. She also reports about the political situation in European Union. She has worked with some reputed companies in Europe and is currently contributing to USA News as a freelance journalist. As someone who has a Masters’ degree in Human Rights she also delivers lectures on Intercultural Management to students of Human Rights. She is also an authority on the Arab world politics and their diversity.

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