Saturday, July 27, 2024

the much younger woman behind Boris Johnson how Carrie could still conquer all hearts

The handle of his ministerial red leather briefcase, that held Boris Johnson firmly when he stepped across the threshold of Downing Street 10, tired but satisfied. Not the hand of the young woman next to him. Although he might have preferred that much. According to intimates, the prime minister is “stacked up” on his Carrie. In a short time, she has turned into a great prime ministerial consort.

In recent weeks, Boris Johnson has not only brought him closer to his ultimate political dream – changing the course of history – but at the same time, the British have embraced his girlfriend Carrie Symonds (31). That was anything but self-evident.

When Johnson made a shot at the Conservatives leadership and Downing Street 10 last summer, the newspapers suddenly became full of his still relatively early affair with the 24-year-younger communications specialist. It was insinuated that the reasonably close Johnson clan did not take this umpteenth splurge of the blondest among them. Much was written about it in British media when the police rushed to Symonds’ apartment because the neighbors found that the Ikea service was going to shatter.

Opponents grabbed Johnson’s somewhat confused private life to “prove” that such a man, neither the Conservative party and certainly not the government of the proud Kingdom.

Even worse. In the same period, Johnson’s deceived wife Marina Wheeler – after many years of living with Boris, turned out to be a sour human rights lawyer – with the news that her ex went to Carrie, about the time she was diagnosed with uterine cancer. Their eldest daughter noted that her father was “a selfish person” and that “my mother had finally had it with him.” Wheeler herself said “she had overcome the blow and the disease well, thanks to her children and her family.” Read: especially not thanks to my ex.

For the sake of convenience, she forgot to mention that she and Boris had been playing rolleballs for years when the latter was still married to his first wife, Allegra Mostyn-Owen and that she had much fewer problems with that at the time.

Boris a heartless selfish person? Come on. In those circumstances, when his second marriage hit the rocks, he often sat sadly on the back seat of the Conservatives in the Lower House as a wrung-out tea towel, while Theresa May sank a few yards in front of him in the Brexit created by herself. swamp. Was it that pathetic spectacle that grieved him so much? Or the situation on the home front?

One of his ex-mistresses is guessing that it was rather that second. “Boris is actually very sensitive and doesn’t like to argue.” “That’s why he lies so much.” Yes, he sometimes lies. Certainly at home. There are still some children around here and there. And nobody – maybe he himself either – knows exactly how much. But now everything seems to be different.

Carrie Symonds, intimates know, brings out the best in Boris. She understands the subtle art of letting Johnson be his exuberant self and at the same time keeping the excesses under control.

She has also captured the hearts of the British in recent weeks. Not so much through forced media appearances. Given their entire situation, that would have been counterproductive. But by taking the job very easily for and with her husband. With election brochures. Even when there was wind and it was raining. Until her haircut was destroyed and the brochures illegible or blown away. Another brilliant inspiration was the permanent presence of her dog Dilyn, a Jack Russel, adopted by Boris.

Symonds, of course, did not come to fruition. She knows very well how things are going in politics. The prime ministerial consort worked in various departments, was communications director for the Conservatives until 2018 and did the successful Zac Goldsmith election campaign in Richmond-upon-Thames in 2017. She is currently working for an organization that fights plastic in the oceans. She also knows the media very well. Her father was one of the founders of The Independent newspaper, mother was the house lawyer there.

The fact that the future Madame Johnson is also not made for a small one, was sooner apparent during a controversial trial against the so-called Black Cab rapist, John Worboys. Worboys drugged women before committing themselves to them. Barely 19 years old, Symonds was one of his victims in 2007. Although the judiciary offered her anonymity as a young woman, she refused to testify to Worboys and to keep him in jail for longer.

Teodora Torrendo
Teodora Torrendo
Teodora Torrendo is an investigative journalist and is a correspondent for European Union. She is based in Zurich in Switzerland and her field of work include covering human rights violations which take place in the various countries in and outside Europe. She also reports about the political situation in European Union. She has worked with some reputed companies in Europe and is currently contributing to USA News as a freelance journalist. As someone who has a Masters’ degree in Human Rights she also delivers lectures on Intercultural Management to students of Human Rights. She is also an authority on the Arab world politics and their diversity.

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