Friday, July 26, 2024

How do social media cause anxiety and depression?

According to the most recent researches, it has been revealed that social media can cause anxiety and depression. Nowadays the craze for social media is increasing and every person has a profile of their own. Various people get connected to each other through social media and some think it’s a way to make friends as well. It is believed that people who are lonely in their life and more inclined towards using the social media platform. Here we will discuss why we think social media is the reason behind anxiety and depression in teens and young people.

Do social media cause depression?

Social media is a platform where people make their profiles with personal information and share their daily life and schedule with friends and family online. Some people are living an exciting life and they are going on vacations too. This exotic lifestyle of one person may become a source of loneliness or depression for the other who is not able to handle all these expenses. Although platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are being used all over the world but people who have free hours to kill time use it the most. People who are successful in life have made it a point to boast of their life to their friends and family.

The disparity between rich and poor is also increased with the daily use of these social networking websites. Feelings of low confidence arise when a person is not able to live a desirable life. Most of the teens are affected with these kinds of things the most but for kids, this can turn out to be the worst of case.

Many times it happens that a young girl or boy might not get accepted by a social group in their school or at work. They are most inclined towards social media and believe in spending most of the time there.

Social media and self esteem

Most of the young girls are fond of having a slim and attractive body. The girls suffering from obesity are prone to depression and anxiety. When they join the social media platform they realize how difficult it is for them to lose weight while for some other girls it’s an easy task. Low self esteem is another thing which follows anxiety and depression and they are not able to live in peace.

Less healthy activities

When kids spend a lot of time on social media they hardly get time to do other things. The activity levels decrease which is another reason why they suffer from anxiety. A healthy lifestyle which consists of a good exercise regime needs to be followed but when so much time is being spent on social media this won’t be possible anymore.

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Lack of sleep

Using social media can impact your moods constantly. Suppose at late night of the hour you see the profile of your schoolfellow. Their good life may affect you and you start comparing it with yours. If you are not able to achieve the things your friends have you will feel depressed. When you are mentally weak you are not able to sleep well which will further hamper your brain health. All these things are interconnected and can work against your brain health in a bad way. As you grow up you need a lot of care when it comes to brain health. Such small things can trigger bigger things and make things worse for you. Every person should try to balance out things in the correct way. Focus on positive things in life.

Teodora Torrendo
Teodora Torrendo
Teodora Torrendo is an investigative journalist and is a correspondent for European Union. She is based in Zurich in Switzerland and her field of work include covering human rights violations which take place in the various countries in and outside Europe. She also reports about the political situation in European Union. She has worked with some reputed companies in Europe and is currently contributing to USA News as a freelance journalist. As someone who has a Masters’ degree in Human Rights she also delivers lectures on Intercultural Management to students of Human Rights. She is also an authority on the Arab world politics and their diversity.

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