Friday, July 26, 2024

What Country Has The Most Covid Deaths?

COVID-19 started in China but spread to a lot of countries worldwide. There were some countries where the virus was spreading in a more intense way while there were other countries where the intensity of the virus was lesser. The number of deaths rapidly increased especially in those countries where the virus couldn’t be controlled. The data from the world-o-meter gives us an idea about which country has the highest number of Covid deaths. If you are interested to know more about it you can read the informative article here.

Coronavirus World Map: USA remains to be the only country with the highest COVID deaths

COVID-19 is surely very deadly but it has been the USA that has seen the highest level of a death rate. The total number of coronavirus cases in the USA is 7,376,177 while the total coronavirus deaths are very high at 210,140. Brazil is the second country that has seen the highest level of death rates at 141,776. India is next one catching up as not only the number of cases but the number of death has also been on the rise. The total coronavirus cases have already reached 6,193,966 and the death rate is 96,854 as of now. There are at least 20 countries where the numbers of cases, as well as death rates, are very high.

COVID 19 has spread all over the world and it seems the life of every person is at a halt. Fortunately, there are some countries like South Korea, Newzealand, Thailand, and Singapore where the cases have become very slow and the death rate is quite low too. World Health Organization has been trying hard to give ideas and strategies to every country so they can come out of this tough situation. It seems that the good strategies have helped few countries come out of this disaster and the countries that are lagging behind must see to it. There seems to be no way out for the USA as the case of coronavirus doesn’t seem to slow down anytime soon.

Read More: How long are you contagious with Covid-19?

The death rate of countries around the world

death rate of countries 2

It is quite obvious that larger countries will have a high number of cases. The differences in testing strategies have made few countries win against this threat. There are many other factors that come into play. Some countries have a high number of elderly people so the death rates are relatively higher while some may have completely different because of the demographic profiles of the countries. There is no denying that COVID-19 intensity was very cruel in countries like the USA, Brazil, India, Mexico, and the UK. In Russia, the death rate is very high as the statistics show that it is 20,545 but as compared to the death rate their survival rate is much higher.

Although the number of cases in Spain was as high as 748,266 the death rate in their country was restricted to 31,411. Mexico has seen round about the same number of cases as Russia as their statistics stand at 733,717 but their death rate has been relatively higher at 76,603. The number of deaths in South Africa is lower as they stand at 16,586. Many countries in Europe were hit hard by the virus but the death per capita remained low. The death rate in France is only 31,808 and in countries like Chile, the total cases of death were only 12,725.

Hi There! My name is Bushra. I am a journalist and I love to gather interesting stories and write about them. I have been a journalist since my school days as I loved getting to know about people and their experiences in life. I have covered topics like entertainment, health, medicine, restaurant reviews and almost everything that a journalist can cover. I follow my profession religiously because I love to write opinionated pieces on drama, film, travel, theater and more. My favorite stories are those that can highlight an issue and which gives me the opportunity to dig into the roots. I realized that behind every story there is a human being like us who want to be presented to the world in a good light. I want to cover stories that promote positivity and peace in the world. I use social media to get real time updates about what’s happening in the world and then by adding a pinch of some of my personal opinion. I create a story to share with the world. I began covering news stories and with time I fell in love with my profession to the point that I never want to let it go. I look forward to new beat of journalism and I am eager to share stories of people from different walks of life.

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