Wednesday, February 12, 2025

What are the Most Common Magento Web Development Mistakes?

In any, even in the best and most expensive project, you can find some mistakes in web development. Analyze your site and find these flaws.

Someone said that mistakes make a person perfect. But there are a number of critical points in magento development company and website development that should be found and eliminated as quickly as possible.

Major mistakes in web development

1. Stop using old school HTML!

Today, web developers have many flexible modern tools in their hands, but for some reason there are those who out of habit use old markup techniques from the beginning of the Internet. For example, for layout, or when there are more appropriate options.

There are still some legacy elements such as or, as well as “& nbsp;” entities that are incompatible with the latest HTML standards. Result? Poor performance and inconsistency across browsers.

Some of the latest and most modern browsers, such as Microsoft Edge, as well as previous versions of Internet Explorer, such as 11, 10, and 9, do not support them.

How do I fix the error? You need:

  • limit your use of the element;
  • focus on using HTML to describe content, not how it is displayed.

CSS offers much more advanced functionality for displaying content appropriately.

2. Lack of cross-browser compatibility

This is one of the grossest and most far-reaching mistakes in web development.

Does the site display flawlessly on your favorite Firefox? Great, but keep in mind the fact that not everyone uses your browser. In the cross-browser era, developers continue to make this mistake because they love some browsers and hate others!

If you are focused on a single platform, the result of your work may be just disgusting for other platforms. Even if Google Chrome occupies 50% of the Russian market, there is no need to “score” on other browsers. For example, Yandex Browser is used by 12% of our users, and even the grandfather of IE is used by every 20th user.

Want to know how your site is displayed across different platforms? For this, there are special services on the Internet, including completely free ones. Does everything work for you?

3. Unreasonable weighting of web pages

One of the trends in web development is bright, attractive pages filled with high quality graphics and animations, elements with height and width attributes, numerous CSS and JavaScript. All this leads to sometimes unjustified weighting.

As a result, the process of loading web pages takes too long and increases the bounce rate. In some situations, this beauty leads to mistakes.

It is not uncommon to find “professional” landing pages with great graphics and animations that take a good 10 seconds to load. They impress the customer but annoy the customer.

Think seriously about optimization and remove any unnecessary things.

4. Lack of site responsiveness

Responsiveness is not even a trend, but the gold standard of web development. Despite the obvious importance of correct display on all devices and growing mobile traffic, some sites continue to display unreadable scrawls on the smartphone screen.

More than half of Internet users use mobile devices. What’s the point of spending money on expensive design and sales copy if it’s just hard to see them on a tiny screen? Wouldn’t it be better to invest in developing a responsive website version?

5. Insufficient page optimization

Sometimes developers get carried away with optimizing web pages from the user’s point of view without bothering with good SEO practice. Search engines won’t find this great content. The result of ignoring SEO is empty pages with near-zero traffic.

How do I fix this error? It’s never too late to do search engine optimization. Analyze the content of the site by targeting it for the right keywords. Remember to use the alt = “your image description” attribute in your or tags to improve accessibility. Get more info here.

Summing up the discussion

As you can imagine, most mistakes in web site development are easier to prevent at the stage of project creation than to fix it retroactively. This will increase the efficiency of the project and save time for something more important and productive.

Lindsey Ertz
Lindsey Ertz
Lindsey, a curious soul from NY, is a technical, business writer, and journalist. Her passion lies in crafting well-researched, data-driven content that delivers authentic information to global audiences, fostering curiosity and inspiration.

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