Cisco is one of the biggest networking companies in the world that provides networking solutions to many large organizations. This automatically makes its credentials very popular and in-demand because everyone needs certified professionals to maintain and manage those solutions. If you are someone who is trying to build a career in networking, you should go for a Cisco certificate.
The Cisco certification program has undergone some drastic changes since the end of February 2020. Prior to this, the candidates had the option to choose from multiple credentials and exams to get the Cisco 200-301 CCNA Practice Test Questions badge for one of the domains. However, all this has changed because now there is only one test that is incredibly comprehensive. It is commonly known as 200-301 CCNA or Cisco Certified Network Associate. According to Cisco, it covers a lot of fundamental concepts related to job roles, technologies, and software development.Before all these changes were made, deciding which CCNA you prefer was a big problem. But now Cisco has simplified this decision for many young professionals. There is a lot that you need to know about the 200-301 exam and the new CCNA certification, that is why we will try to cover all the highlights in this article.
Cisco CCNACertification Path: Old vs. New
The previous Cisco 200-301 CCNA VCE Dumps certification track focused on various domains for different paths. This approach had some advantages, but one of the biggest disadvantages was the fact that it was difficult for the young specialists to choose their specialization. When you are still new to your career, you need some time to taste different aspects of the field. But under the old program, the professionals had to pick a specific learning path without having the opportunity to explore other areas. The new path has replaced the following Cisco CCNA credentials:
- CCNA Wireless;
- CCNA Data Center;
- CCNA Service Provider;
- CCNA Routing and Switching;
- CCNA Security;
- CCNA Industrial;
- CCNA Collaboration;
- CCNA Cloud.
Now, if the students successfully ace the Cisco 200-301 exam and earn the CCNA certificate, they have the choice to choose a specialization in the CCNP track, which is the next level in the Cisco certification program.
Cisco 200-301 Exam as Part of CCNA Certification
If you are thinking about taking Cisco 200-301, there are some important things that you need to know. Firstly, there are no formal prerequisites for passing it. However, you may have a year of experience with networking and Cisco technologies to have a good understanding of network fundamentals. This is not a strict requirement for each candidate, but it will certainly boost up their chances. Also, it is important to cover all the exam topics and explore their subtopics in detail. Be prepared to focus on the following areas:
- IP Services;
- Network Fundamentals;
- Security Fundamentals;
- Automation and Programmability;
- IP Connectivity;
- Network Access.
This certification exam is designed to equip the specialists with the basic technologies that will allow them to start their career in the network domain. For example, it will allow them to apply for the job position of a network engineer.
Cisco 200-301 CCNAconsists of about 100 multiple-choice questions that should be answered within 120 minutes. Needless to say, you will be on a time crunch during this test, so it is advised that you avoid wasting your time.Just try to answer correctly as many questions as possible. The certification exam is available in Japanese and English. It costs $300, so the students should try their best to ace it on the first try.
This Cisco exam can boost your career potential, so you must understand its seriousness. If you want to pass this test with flying colors, you will need to know some tips and tricks. The most important one is that this certification exam is only difficult if you make it difficult. The only way to make it easier is to explore all its topics properly. Therefore, the applicants can take the recommended training course at the Cisco Academy and answer some practice questions.
Cisco is the industry standard when it comes to networking technologies and solutions,that is why earning a certificate of this vendor can be life-changing for any professional. The 200-301 exam has quickly become one of the most popular tests offered by Cisco, and one of the main reasons for this fame is that it covers all the required fundamentals.
Previously, the students should choose their CCNA credential from a wide range of specialized areas. Making this decision was difficult for many young specialists as they had not explored the field enough. So, when Cisco has made some necessary changes to its certification program, it became easier for these individuals to make a choice, because now they do not need to specialize in one area to the professional-level track.