Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Best Tips to Fix a Failing Relationship

Relationships are delicate and have the tendency to break even on minor issues. Misunderstandings, lack of communication and inability to understand each other’s feelings are some of the main factors that often bring problems in a relationship. While many couples talk and find out a good way, there are many who are not able to see any hiccups in their relationship, until one of them decides to call it off.

The major cause of such hiccups in a relationship is that these relationships are the outcome of our mind and subjective to each person. A thing that might be casual for one person can turn out to be depressing for the other. Thus, the best way is to put yourself in other’s shoes before raising issues and throwing arguments. Once broken, it can be a serious task to mend the relationship and revive the same level of intensity.

Getting back in a relationship with the same intensity is possible if you approach the issues with the right level of understanding and find out ways to mend. Here are some tips to fix a relationship that should help you choose the right path.

Determine What’s Wrong!

When asked, only a few couples can explain the things that went wrong in their relationship. Ask any couple and a typical answer would be, “I have no idea what went wrong”. This is the reason why many couples are not able to mend the broken relationship. When you won’t have any base to work on, you’ll never be able to build a skyhigh. So the first thing is to find out the reasons that changed your relationship status from “engaged” to “single”. Arrange an informal meeting and present all the pointers that affected your relationship. Sort them out one by one and make sure your significant other is able to connect with them.

Forgiving can be Magical

Once you’ve found out the reasons that led to separation, forgive each other for all the bad things that happened during the bad phase of your relationship. Think of it as a bad phase and let it go. Everyone makes mistakes, and it’s important to forgive and forget if you want your relationship to work out. Understand why you partner committed the mistake and let it go with pleasant forgiveness attitude. Your forgiveness can initiate a new life between you two. If you were the one to make the mistake, accept it with total responsibility and pledge to change yourself.

Renew the Commitment

Once your relationship is back in track and you both have started living together again, chart down some relationship rules. Make some resolutions. For instance: anytime, if anyone feels the need to discuss anything personal, the other one should spare some time without any excuse. If it’s not possible, the first person should be patient and wait for the other to call back in. Such resolutions will keep the terms clear and help you avoid fights on silly things. Another important thing is to stay committed with new resolutions. Remember, these were made with agreement from both the sides, in a normal state of mind and following them will keep your relationship at ease.

Change Yourself

Even if your partner is reluctant to changes, it’s your responsibility to bring the required changes in yourself. Change the things in your nature that often become the reason of fights from her/his end. For instance: if your partner doesn’t like your careless nature about everything, you should start behaving a little bit mature and analyze the situation before throwing your casual attitude at it. Implement certain general changes that will make your partner feel that you are willing to do everything you can to save the relationship. Changing doesn’t mean being submissive, but following a good way to be in a satisfying relationship.

Communication is the Key

Needless to say, most issues in a relationship can be easily resolved with open and mature communication, but only a few couples take advantage of this tool. It has been observed that even slight misunderstanding is mostly the cause of breakups. So if you really want to fix your relationship, approach all the issues in a positive manner and try to make your partner understand your point of view. Communication simply means conveying facts and offering support and forgiveness to each other. Communicate with a mind that is ready to contemplate and accept the truth.

Teodora Torrendo
Teodora Torrendo
Teodora Torrendo is an investigative journalist and is a correspondent for European Union. She is based in Zurich in Switzerland and her field of work include covering human rights violations which take place in the various countries in and outside Europe. She also reports about the political situation in European Union. She has worked with some reputed companies in Europe and is currently contributing to USA News as a freelance journalist. As someone who has a Masters’ degree in Human Rights she also delivers lectures on Intercultural Management to students of Human Rights. She is also an authority on the Arab world politics and their diversity.

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