Sunday, February 16, 2025

4 Ways to Counter Sedentary Work-Life and To Improve Health

Most adults lead sedentary lifestyles, and this condition has only worsened during the COVID-19 pandemic. On average, adults sit at work for 8 hours and an additional 2 hours when they relax at home just before bed. Experts suggest that sixty to seventy-five minutes of physical activity are crucial for the body within those initial eight hours to maintain healthy body functions.

Prolonged hours of sitting can result in cancer, heart diseases, and by extension, death.

It is where alternatives like the standing desk become a requirement as sitting for long durations can cause a lot of issues. It may cause high blood pressure, cholesterol and high blood sugar levels, which is a common cause of obesity among adults. Sitting can cause hip flexors to weaken and cause pain in the hip joints in the long run.

Fortunately, all of the ailments discussed earlier are preventable to a great degree through physical activity. Since most sedentary lifestyles stem from lack of exercise during work, the solutions below mostly counter that. In this article, let’s discuss some of the solutions for a physically and mentally balanced work-life routine

  1. Standing Desks

Instead of sitting at the desk to answer calls and send emails, why not do the same, but stand during the process. Standing desks will take some acclimatisation, but it helps combat heart disease, diabetes, and the previously discussed physiological effects. It prevents neck, back, and shoulder stiffness. Standing up also puts you in a heightened mood and as a result, boosts productivity.

  1. Workplace Treadmill

Place a treadmill below your workspace to walk or run throughout the day. Either use a standing desk as your work surface or a table specially made to support this treadmill setup.

  1. Walking Meetings

Instead of gathering in a closed-off conference room, discuss company matters with your colleagues in the outdoors. The benefits of natural lighting are endless.

  1. Cycle/Walk to your workplace.

If cycling is not feasible, park a little further from your destination. Walk the last kilometre or so. Start with smaller distances if one kilometre is too far away. If neither of these is feasible, try to head out of your office on foot during lunch breaks.

Which is the Best?

Of all these solutions, the standing desk proves to be the best as it gives a parallel balance on work and health at the same time. They are available in various types and materials with adjustable facilities and have the capacity to hold a lot of weight, supporting one’s office accessories efficiently.

Even though workplace treadmills, walking meetings and cycling to work can be practised, they are not as feasible as a standing desk. It could be a busy day at work, with closing deadlines or important client meetings. Here, these three options must pause to pave the way for faster working. Even in all these situations, a standing desk always does its job.


Of all the unhealthy habits in this world, who thought that the most unhealthy would be one that we indulge in every day? From preschool until the nine-to-five routine, for most of us have by adulthood, sitting has become part and parcel of modern life.

As we have come to know about the problems of sitting all the time without periodic body movements, it is better to act fast and prevent any future disorders. The attitude and interest of a person towards maintaining their health contributes largely to fruitful living.  Adopt the best alternatives in the workplace for a healthier and prolonged life.

Lindsey Ertz
Lindsey Ertz
Lindsey, a curious soul from NY, is a technical, business writer, and journalist. Her passion lies in crafting well-researched, data-driven content that delivers authentic information to global audiences, fostering curiosity and inspiration.

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