Saturday, July 27, 2024

How to fly safely during coronavirus?

Coronavirus has affected and interrupted many activities including traveling. The travelers are not comfortable while traveling to some other country because they feel that it is not safe. The tourism of many countries has been affected and the airlines also face losses.

Some countries are still under lockdown but things have become better in many countries. Travel is now allowed and flights are moving but there is a lot of travel and safety measures that you need to take for safe travel. Here are some tips to follow to fly safely from one country to another.

Maintain a distance

When you are traveling you encounter numerous people. There are hundreds of people at the airport and during the flight, you are joined by many travelers. Fortunately, airports and airlines have formulated many new safety rules for passengers who must travel during the COVID-19. Maintaining a 6 feet distance is now a requirement at the airports and the seats inside the airplane are also placed in a way so that every passenger is at a safe distance of 6 feet.

Avoid contact with people

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Make sure to avoid any contact with people who are sick. There might be chances that the person isn’t affected by COVID-19 and is sick for other reasons but it is always good to stay cautious. There might be chances that he is sick due to the pandemic and is experiencing early symptoms. It is best if you avoid touching or going near a sick person at the airport or during the flight.

Limit contact with frequently touched surfaces

There are many surfaces at the airport like the check counter, elevator doors, handrails, elevator buttons that are touched by everyone. It is best to avoid touching these touched surfaces. If you need to touch them then wearing gloves is the best option. If you don’t have gloves then you can also use hand sanitizer to wash your hands after touching the surfaces.

Avoid touching your eyes and nose

When you set out on your travel journey it is likely that your hands will be exposed to the outside environment. You might also touch surfaces that are touched by many other people. If your hands are not washed with a sanitizer make sure to avoid touching your eyes, face, and nose. Coronavirus germs travel through your nose, eyes, and face so it is best to not touch them.

Wash your hands often

travel safety

Cleaning and washing your hands often will keep you safe from all the germs. Washing your hands is important before going to the bathroom, eating, coughing, and sneezing. It is best to wash your hands with regular soap for at least 20 seconds.

The sanitizer is made with chemicals and can make your hands dry so you can use a regular soap if you want to wash your hands multiple times. Rub your hands together and wash them thoroughly with the soap water so that you get disinfected. Use a hand sanitizer that has 60 percent alcohol.

Joanne Elliot
Joanne Elliot
Joanne Elliot has a keen interest in the issues that college students face during their life on campus. She enjoys researching the nature of these issues to find solutions and then writing about them. Follow Joanne to learn more about the college lifestyle and how to navigate it.

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