Sunday, February 16, 2025

How Microsoft Azure can help your Business?

In short, Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing service from Microsoft. However, what brought you here on this post is to know how Microsoft Azure can help your business. Generally, businesses host their email server and web on their personal hardware. Though this provides the control that they require, it also requires a ton of initial investment as they have to buy all the needed hardware and even pay a professional to set everything for them.

However, speaking about cloud computing, this initial investment drastically reduces as the organization doesn’t require setting up an internal infrastructure or buy any kind of hardware. The organization will simply pay for using the computing resources that they require. So, if you are thinking to take up Microsoft Azure Certification, once certified, you will be assisting your business in a number of ways. Going forward, let us check out some of the major ways as to how Microsoft Azure can help your business.

Why your business needs Microsoft Azure?

  • Skip the activity of replacing hardware or software altogether

When you are running all the hardware and software on your business premises there are a ton of activities that you need to take care of. Out of all these activities, the major one is replacing the hardware and updating the software as and when the need arises for the same. Eventually, the system will start lagging in performance. At that time, you have to upgrade to the latest hardware and software combination. Apart from this, you will incur a large cost of keeping all the hardware running and there is always a risk of running into failure. Whenever a failure happens, it means shelling out additional bucks to get the same fixed. Moreover, there are cyber threats from which you have to keep your system secure. Overall, the activities and the checks that you need to perform are limitless and whenever you have to perform any of such activities, your business will have to face downtime.

However, if you move to Microsoft Azure, which is a cloud-based server, you don’t have to perform any of the above-mentioned hardware or software related activities. Everything will be managed by Microsoft. If you are worrying that the technology might not be at par with your business requirements then abandon and discard this thought immediately as Microsoft utilizes state-of-the-art technology and ensures that the system is always up to date. All the maintenance activities are carried out by Microsoft at the backend without letting your business experience any downtime.

  • Reduces Total Cost Drastically

Of course, when you will be dealing with on-premises hardware, you will have to face a ton of expenses in maintaining and upgrading activities. Then, there will be licensing and infrastructure costs as well and you have to hire a dedicated team who will be responsible for maintaining all this infrastructure.

However, if you move to Microsoft Azure, a major chunk of this total cost is drastically reduced as you don’t have to invest in purchasing, licensing, or maintaining any kind of hardware or software at your end plus you don’t have to hire a dedicated team for maintenance activities. All of this will be managed by Microsoft itself.

  • State-of-the-art Data Security

If you are thinking that shifting to cloud could compromise security then you are incorrect in your thinking. Since your business’ server will be hosted on Microsoft Azure’s cloud platform, Microsoft Data Centre Security will be responsible for the security of your server.

Microsoft Azure contains some of the best security and privacy features. Apart from this, Microsoft Azure also has a global incident response team that works 24/7 to safeguard your server from any kind of cyber threat.

  • Disaster Recovery

When you are running your own hardware on business premises, you have to periodically take a backup so as to ensure that if any kind of unfortunate incident has to happen, your data will be safe and business can return to normalcy as quickly as possible.

When it comes to Microsoft Azure, you don’t have to worry about taking backups as it comes with data retention spanning across 99 years. Whatever you happen to store in the cloud is automatically and immediately backed up on another secure server present within the Microsoft network itself.

  • Scalability

This is perhaps one of the biggest benefits of moving to Microsoft Azure. Initially, you only pay for the resources that you require. With passing time, as your business continues to grow, you can add up more resources and scale up your hardware and software solutions. The coolest part is that you can even easily scale down as well. If you know for a certain period of time, you don’t require all the resources to be running, you can scale down for that particular period and lower down your cost. Later, whenever you wish, you can easily scale back up to the previous position.

Coming to traditional in-house servers, scalability is pretty difficult to achieve and, in most cases, is impossible without having to suffer some kind of degradation in performance or huge business downtime. Hence, you cannot effectively and immediately respond to any kind of change that may be required in your business.

Final Words

Here we are with five major ways as to how Azure can help your business. Going through all the listed points, we can safely say that moving to a cloud-based server will definitely improve the overall performance of your business, cut down costs, and provide you the ability to meet the needs of your customers in an effective manner. So, what are you waiting for? Get your Microsoft Azure training, move your business to the cloud-based environment, and experience the amazing benefits that come with it.

Teodora Torrendo
Teodora Torrendo
Teodora Torrendo is an investigative journalist and is a correspondent for European Union. She is based in Zurich in Switzerland and her field of work include covering human rights violations which take place in the various countries in and outside Europe. She also reports about the political situation in European Union. She has worked with some reputed companies in Europe and is currently contributing to USA News as a freelance journalist. As someone who has a Masters’ degree in Human Rights she also delivers lectures on Intercultural Management to students of Human Rights. She is also an authority on the Arab world politics and their diversity.

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