Thursday, July 25, 2024

Finland – A unique and mesmerizing travel destination

Located in the Northern part of beautiful Europe, Finland is one of its greenest, purely charming and amazing countries. Highly civilized, but still full of breathtaking views, Finland is not only a symbol of western democracy but also a unique and mesmerizing travel destination. The ‘land of a thousand lakes’ is literally a breath of fresh air for those in need of a unique travel destination.

Although occupying quite a large amount of land, the beautiful ‘Suomi’ as the natives call it, has only around 5 million inhabitants. That nation displays an incredible civilized system and respect towards nature, a fact which has led to the perfect conservation of all the natural beauty of this country. A journey through this magical land shows the traveller not only the great charm of a northern country and its wild, natural beauty but also how civilization and an advanced standard of life can coexist with it.

Those who arrive to ‘The Land Of The Midnight-Sun’ can do so by air, water or land. While flying might be the fastest and wheels could be the most straining, arriving to Finland by boat is definitely the most spectacular way to do it. Being one of the top countries to produce luxury cruise boats, the country is famous for its five-star boats which are literal mini-floating cities, with all the amenities, shopping and entertaining options one might imagine. The journey through and from Helsinki takes these huge ships through a very tight gulf, offering the passengers an amazing experience and a great overview of the craftsmanship and abilities of the commanding captain.

One of the things that attract hundreds and thousands of tourists to Finland is the spectacular Northern lights – Northern Finland is known to be one of the best places on Earth to spot and enjoy Mother Nature’s greatest light show. Tourists have the opportunity to see it about 200 nights every year. In an attempt to increase the spectacular aspect of this lifetime event, the ingenious Finns have built glass igloos which allow you to watch and sleep under this mesmerizing phenomenon. Even though renting these igloos is not a budget option, it is definitely something that will make this life experience even more unique and spectacular.

If you get to Lapland, remember to visit Santa – Yes, you definitely heard right. Lapland, more specifically Napapiiri, is also known as Santa’s village. Go and visit the house and the toy factory. Santa still gets here thousands of letters from kids all over the world. Another absolutely amazing things to see are the reindeers and Mooses, fabulous animals which live here in the wilderness but can’t be seen in many other countries of the world.

For those who want to discard the hotels and city-life, Finland offers hundreds of fully functional and absolutely charming chalets and cabins, most of which are situated on the shores of crystal-clear water lakes – The serene and peaceful atmosphere of these beautiful places seems to be ripped out of a fairy-tale book.

Finland is not only the country of the thousands of lakes but also the country of the most saunas per capita. The Finnish people consider going to the sauna a healthy and purifying habit, as well as a tradition. One particularly fun and unnerving fact about the Finnish is that they fancy the idea of jumping straight from the 100-degree hot sauna into freezing water, only to repeat the cycle again. Talking about heart-stopping and breathtaking adventures.

For those of you who are foodies and/or coffee lovers, Finland is a great country – Displaying amazingly tasty and unique dishes like Karjalanpiirakka (a delicious Karelian pie), Poronkäristys (grilled reindeer meat prepared in a special, traditional, local way), Finland is not only the country of the greatest coffee consumers in the world, but also a place of special culinary experience.

Finland awaits fish lovers with delicious salmon wraps and salmon oven dishes, as well the traditional Kalakukko (fish rooter bread) and a delicious fish soup prepared with milk – For those in search of special candy, the national Finnish desert, named Salmiakki will definitely spice your day. Even though some think that Salmiakki is an acquired taste or something like a love it or hate it desert experience, Salmiakki is definitely something worth trying.

While winters in Finland can be very cold, but also greatly spectacular, the country is known for having 4 beautiful seasons. For those in search of peace and freedom to roam the beautiful natural landscapes, Finland is an absolute safe and heavenly travel destination. Come to the North to enjoy great coffee, a creative food scene, fresh air, and some of the most unique events. Finland awaits you.

Teodora Torrendo
Teodora Torrendo
Teodora Torrendo is an investigative journalist and is a correspondent for European Union. She is based in Zurich in Switzerland and her field of work include covering human rights violations which take place in the various countries in and outside Europe. She also reports about the political situation in European Union. She has worked with some reputed companies in Europe and is currently contributing to USA News as a freelance journalist. As someone who has a Masters’ degree in Human Rights she also delivers lectures on Intercultural Management to students of Human Rights. She is also an authority on the Arab world politics and their diversity.

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