Friday, February 14, 2025

Consult A Family Law Solicitor To Declare Your Civil Union

Living together refers to cohabiting as a couple even when you are not legally wed or in a partnership that is a civil union. You might not have the same legal rights in some areas as that you would if you established a civil partnership, but you will in other circumstances.

A Family law lawyer shares: “One of the primary advantages of civil unions is the option for legal benefits, such as healthcare and other spousal benefits, that would otherwise be limited to married couples. However, it’s crucial to note that the legal standing of a civil union varies by jurisdiction, and not all rights available to married couples may be available to those in a civil union.

A Civil Union, What Is That?

A civil union is a legally recognized relationship that two unrelated individuals can register. Both same-sex and opposite-sex couples are eligible for civil partnerships.

Your relationship will be recognized legally after you register a civil partnership. You will now have more obligations and legal rights as a result. Once a civil partnership is established, it can only be dissolved if one of you passes away or if a court order is made.

Once a civil partnership has existed for at least a year, you can subsequently apply to terminate it, should the circumstances call for it. You should find out more about the legalities of civil union dissolution if your interests in custody or finances pertain to it.

Pre-Registration Contracts

Before you declare your partnership, you two civil partners have the option of creating a pre-registration agreement. Your liberties and responsibilities toward one another, as well as what must occur if your relationship ends, can be spelled out in a pre-registration agreement.

The provisions for your children and your own belongings, such as the family’s residence and any pensions, can be included. When you reach a deal, you should both seek independent legal counsel. Even though a pre-registration contract is not legally binding, it may have an impact on the courts if they decide to intervene after your civil partnership dissolves.


A couple who lives together or two civil partners can jointly acquire a child. You also could have the option to adopt your partner’s child lawfully. As long as the adopting candidate has lived with the youngster for a period of no less than six months, the process will be simple and will not need an agency if you have formed a civil partnership.

The process may probably take longer if you have not been in a civil partnership prior to filing the adoption paperwork with the courts.

Adoption From Abroad

Depending on the nation you are adopting from, the laws governing adoption vary. Even if you and your spouse are civil partners, certain nations may not permit parenthood by a same-sex couple. You will require guidance from a professional in international adoption if you want to accept from outside the UK.

Children and Inherited Wealth

You can give your money, property, and things to anybody you like if you make a will. This might also apply to the kids of your partner.

A child can inherit through both their biological parents and the family of their birth parents if there is no will. Click here to read more on what is defined as a biological parent. Adopted children can instead acquire from their parents who adopt and their adoptive parents’ extended families.

If there is no will, the only way a child who has been adopted can inherit is if the biological parent passes away before the youngster is adopted. Unless a stepparent has adopted the child or made other provisions for their welfare in their will, the child gets no right to receive from the estate of the stepparent.

Children and Inherited Wealth

Domestic Abuse

You can ask a court for security if your companion is abusive to you or your kids. Whether you are married to a civil partnership ( or cohabitating, you can do this. There are less things the legal system can do to safeguard you if you are not a civil partner, though.

Breaking Up With Someone

You can end your living arrangement with your spouse without going to court if you are not in a civil partnership. However, the judiciary body governing your region has the authority to decide who would be responsible for raising any children in the family.

If you and your spouse have entered a civil marriage, you can choose to end the relationship amicably; but, if you would like to do it formally, you must file a court application.

Lindsey Ertz
Lindsey Ertz
Lindsey, a curious soul from NY, is a technical, business writer, and journalist. Her passion lies in crafting well-researched, data-driven content that delivers authentic information to global audiences, fostering curiosity and inspiration.

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