Thursday, July 25, 2024

How to Check the Number of SIMs Issued Against Your CNIC

Mobile phones have become quite common for citizens of Pakistan since 2000. The prices of cell phones have dropped and the easy availability of the phones has made it possible for the general public to have an access to mobile phones.  With the easy availability of mobile phones can the wrongful use of purposeful technology. Illegal activities and terrorist attacks have been linked to unregistered SIMs.

PTA has taken steps to control the wrongful use of the sims and have launched an advanced SIM Information System in 2009. The systems allow keeping the digital record of the SIM subscribers. Every user of a mobile phone has to register before purchasing a sim. Every active SIM in Pakistan is issued against their CNIC. If you are unaware of the number of SIM cards that have been issued against your CNIC or you want to block any of the sims then continue reading the post below.

How many SIMs can you register under one CNIC?

There is a limit to the number of SIMs that you can buy against a CNIC. According to the regulations set by PTA, a CNIC holder can buy a maximum of 5 SIM cards against one CNIC at a time. If you already have 5 SIM cards registered under your CNIC then you are not allowed to get more sims under the same CNIC.

How to check the number of active SIMs that are issued against your CNIC?

If you don’t remember the number of SIM cards that you have bought against your CNIC, then you should make sure to get the complete information about it.

Here is how to check the active sims against your CNIC:

By using the Website:

If you want to check the number of SIM cards that are active against your name, then you need to visit the PTA SIM Information Website.

  • When you open the webpage you will be required to enter your information.
  • Enter your CNIC number
  • Verify press ‘Submit’.
  • The list of registered SIMs will appear that are issued against your CNIC in a tabular form.
  • You will see a table that will have details about the total number of SIMs against your CNIC.

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Through SMS:

To find out the number of SIMs active against your CNIC using the SMS service you need to follow the steps below:

  • Open the text message on your phone
  • Enter your CNIC number
  • Send this message to 668.
  • You will get a reply via text message which will show you the total number of active SIM cards against your CNIC.
  • You will be charged with PKR 2 + tax for each SMS.

How to check the name of the SIM owner?

To find out the name of the owner of the following the steps below:

  • Open the text message section on your phone.
  • Send a blank message to 667.
  • You will get a reply in the form of a text message which will show you the name of the SIM owner

How to block a SIM card registered against your CNIC?

If you don’t want to use a mobile SIM anymore then it is better to get it blocked. To do so you need to follow the steps below:

  • Visit the nearest franchise of your cellular company.
  • Show your original CNIC and fill a form
  • Your sim will be blocked immediately
Joanne Elliot
Joanne Elliot
Joanne Elliot has a keen interest in the issues that college students face during their life on campus. She enjoys researching the nature of these issues to find solutions and then writing about them. Follow Joanne to learn more about the college lifestyle and how to navigate it.

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