Thursday, February 13, 2025

What to Expect From a University Open Day

When it comes to applying to college, you have so many questions. From what to write in your essay to where you should apply. There’s just so much going on that it can all seem overwhelming.

Open Days are a great way to get your hands on the campus, meet some of the students and faculty and learn everything you need to know before applying. Read on for more information about what an open day is and how it can help you find the right college.

What is an Open Day?

An open day is when a university allows potential students to visit the campus and look around. This can be for anyone who’s interested in applying to university, including high school students, parents and alumni.

For students, the open days provide a great opportunity to explore the campus and meet current students. Undergraduate open days are also a great way to get a sense of what it’ll be like to study at the university. For students, it can also be a useful way to meet staff members who can answer any questions about the course choices or university life.

Why do colleges hold Open Days?

Open days are one way colleges engage with prospective students. When you’re applying to university, it can all seem a bit overwhelming. Spread out over so many different deadlines and applications can seem like a daunting task.

What if you don’t know what you want to study? How will you choose where to apply? And how can you start finding out about different universities? An open day is a fantastic way to ease into the process.

What To Expect On An Open Day

When you attend an open day, you’ll usually be able to visit the campus, talk to current students and faculty members and see what the university has to offer. A tour of the campus and/or lecture will usually be part of the experience. Some open days also include lectures, guest speakers or workshops.

Visiting the campus is a great way to get a better idea of what the university has to offer. You may be able to visit one campus or several. There are a few things to look out for while you’re there:

  • The campus layout: What are the buildings like? How are they arranged? Are they close together? What’s around them like? You’ll want to find out as much as you can to help you decide where to apply.
  • The students: Ask questions and find out how you can get into the classes you want. You can also ask them about life at university and how it compares with your high school.
  • The facilities: What does the university have? Do you have any facilities at your high school? What do the university ones look like? How easy are they to access? Can you use them during exams?

Final thoughts

Open days are a great way to get your hands on the campus, meet some of the students and faculty and learn everything you need to know before applying. Some colleges also hold open days as part of a wider recruitment campaign to increase applications and access more students.

If you’ve already applied, they’re a great way to ease into the process. And they’re a great opportunity to get a feel for the campus and meet some of the staff members.

Lindsey Ertz
Lindsey Ertz
Lindsey, a curious soul from NY, is a technical, business writer, and journalist. Her passion lies in crafting well-researched, data-driven content that delivers authentic information to global audiences, fostering curiosity and inspiration.

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