Friday, February 7, 2025

What are the Various Spinal Meningitis Symptoms?

When there is an infection in the membrane of the brain or spinal cord, the condition is termed as spinal meningitis. Early detection of spinal meningitis symptoms can help you recover soon.

What is Spinal Meningitis? What are the Various Spinal Meningitis Symptoms?

Meningitis or Spinal Meningitis is that condition whereby the protective membranes or meningitis that covers your brain and the spinal cord gets inflamed. Any infection from microorganisms like bacteria and viruses may cause this disorder. This disorder can range from a few days of discomfort or a headache to a life-threatening medical condition much difficult to cure. If you are suspecting this disorder then now is the time to discover the causes, symptoms and the nature of the condition.  If not addressed promptly, this disorder may also spread. It can become a life-threatening disease if you are not careful. If you want to learn spinal meningitis symptoms, follow this section closely.

Bacteria are the Cause of the Disorder

Acute spinal meningitis may occur if the bacteria, entering the bloodstream, travel to the brain or spinal cord of an individual. The bacteria may invade spinal cord membranes directly. This is the result of a sinus infection, ear infection or skull fracture. Most of the time, individuals contact it due to the bacteria or viruses already present in the body. Germs stay in the throat, nose, and intestines of an individual but do not cause sickness. Such germs that appear to be less harmful might also cause it. They may spread all over the tissues surrounding the brain and spinal cord to cause this disorder.

The Most Common Symptoms of Meningitis Disorder

In teenagers and adults, spinal meningitis symptoms can be fever, vomiting, drowsiness, cold hands or feet, difficulty in waking up, some confusion or irritability. There can be neck stiffness, stiffness in the back, a bad headache which refuses to go away, pain in the eyes, body aches, nausea and feeling too much drowsy. A severe headache is the first and foremost symptom of spinal meningitis. Drugs and antibiotics must immediately be administered if such symptoms are found.

Although this disorder is the result of bacteria and viruses, at times certain kinds of medication might also lead to this condition. Among all kinds, it is bacterial meningitis which is the severe type. As the progress of the disease is extremely fast, immediately something needs to be done in case of bacterial infection. Death of the person might occur within 24 hours if nothing is done.

A Headache is the First Symptom Followed by Others

The one having meningitis disorder due to a bacterial infection will encounter severe pain in the head. It is so sharp that the person needs to do something. Stiffness in the neck or nuchal rigidity occurs whereby the person even fails to move the neck. The neck cannot be moved forward at all. He/she starts to feel feverish and extremely cold.

Fever is accompanied by chills, and the temperature rises to a great extent. Vomiting is pretty common here due to high temperature. Here vomiting is projectile and almost appearing to be forced vomiting. There will be fever, persistent headache accompanied by vomiting, stiffness in various parts of the body.

The Fear of Light and Noise: Another Symptom of Spinal Meningitis

Apart from the general spinal meningitis symptoms, there are other symptoms as well. Here there is a photophobia where the person seems to be scared of bright flashes of light or bright light. He has some fear of loud noises also called phonobia. Some of the other symptoms of this disorder are confused the state of mind, seizures and an altered state of mind. The person feels weak and loses sensation. Loss of senses is pretty rare, but joint inflammation, stiffness, pain in the neck and other regions is common. There may also be bruises or rashes on the body.

The 3 Most Prominent Symptoms of Spinal Meningitis

If you talk about the spinal meningitis symptoms, they are mainly three. They are the primary symptoms, namely, nuchal rigidity, confused state of mind and a high fever accompanied by vomiting. If all the named symptoms are present, it increases the probability of meningitis inflammation. The moment the person experiences these three symptoms, it is time to consult a medical practitioner immediately. The more the delay, the worse it is.

How Long it Takes to Show the Symptoms?

If the bacteria or viruses from the bloodstream, throat, nose or ears have invaded meningitis, it nearly takes 24 hours to show the symptoms. About 25% of the sufferers show signs within 24 hours. Others might show in a day or within a week. The duration differs from person to person. The ones who are administering antibiotics, they will take time to show the symptoms. If there is fungal Meningitis or HIV, it may take several weeks.

What to Do Next?

If you show any of the probable symptoms, get tested or diagnosed immediately as the condition is life-threatening. After one shows spinal meningitis symptoms, the doctor retrieves an amount of brain or spinal cord membrane to conduct the test. After the test report, the doctor prescribes antifungal, antibacterial, steroids during the treatment. The ones who catch an illness or fever early, they react very well to such treatment options. If the symptom is too minor, the doctor can prescribe complete rest.

How Far is it Easy to Address the Symptoms?

You may feel that the infection of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord is very deadly, but the symptoms are treatable. The chance of any danger declines to a great extent if only you are careful and aware. A bit of foresight is needed to address the condition. Make sure to carry out the tests immediately and discuss the best treatment options with your doctor.

You can handle Spinal Meningitis once you identify the signs and symptoms. If you show symptoms like a headache, fever and neck stiffness, it is time to move to the doctor. The cold will get to the extreme, and even the skin color might change. All of them are very much treatable.

Teodora Torrendo
Teodora Torrendo
Teodora Torrendo is an investigative journalist and is a correspondent for European Union. She is based in Zurich in Switzerland and her field of work include covering human rights violations which take place in the various countries in and outside Europe. She also reports about the political situation in European Union. She has worked with some reputed companies in Europe and is currently contributing to USA News as a freelance journalist. As someone who has a Masters’ degree in Human Rights she also delivers lectures on Intercultural Management to students of Human Rights. She is also an authority on the Arab world politics and their diversity.

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