Thursday, July 25, 2024

Schengen visa fees to go up from 60 to 80 Euros from 2nd February 2020

Residents of the UAE state of Dubai have bad news that they now have to pay an extra 20 euros to get a Schengen visa.

According to Gulf News reports, UAE nationals traveling from Schengen visa to Europe will now have to pay 80 euros instead of 60, the new fee will apply from February 2.

According to a statement issued by the Dubai authorities, “From February 2, 2020, the Schengen visa will have to pay 60 euros instead of 60 euros, which is approximately 328 dirhams, for children aged 6 years to 12 years.” The visa fee will be 40 euros – 164 dirhams.

A notice posted on VFS Global’s website states that all relevant departments have been instructed to collect additional fees.

According to the notification, no change in the fee has been made in respect of children under the age of six years. According to the Arab media report, 68,000 citizens of UAE received a Schengen visa from April to August during 2018.

According to the report, those who hold a Schengen visa should not have to travel to any European Union country for a short stay, but they will still have to pay 80 euros, which is around Rs. 13,800 per Pakistani currency.

Teodora Torrendo
Teodora Torrendo
Teodora Torrendo is an investigative journalist and is a correspondent for European Union. She is based in Zurich in Switzerland and her field of work include covering human rights violations which take place in the various countries in and outside Europe. She also reports about the political situation in European Union. She has worked with some reputed companies in Europe and is currently contributing to USA News as a freelance journalist. As someone who has a Masters’ degree in Human Rights she also delivers lectures on Intercultural Management to students of Human Rights. She is also an authority on the Arab world politics and their diversity.

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