Thursday, July 25, 2024

Jeff Bezos Biography: Net Worth, Family, Children, wife & House

‘Jeff Bezos’ is a great businessman in this modern era. He is the founder and also the CEO of world-famous e-commerce company and originator of a space exploration company ‘Blue Origin’. Jeff Bezos is also the owner of the Washington Post.

Date of Birth: Jeff Bezos was born on 12th January 1964 in Mexico.

Family: Jeff Bezos‘ smother name is Jacklyn Gise Jorgensen. And his (biological) father’s name is Ted Jorgensen. His mother and his biological father were separated within a year. And when Jeff was four years old his mother got married to a Cuban immigrant Mike Bezos.

Early Life:

Jeff Bezos has special extraordinary talent for computer since his childhood. He becomes curious to know how things work. In his childhood, he changed his garage into an electrical garrage and laboratory.

Jeffs along with his family migrated to Miami during his teenage. During the school session, this genius boy started earning. He started his business The Dream Institute, it was an educational summer camp for fourth, fifth and sixth standard. And after the completion of his early education, Jeff Bezos joined Princeton University.

Here he studied computer science and electrical engineering. After the completion of graduation, Jeff Bezos joined Wall Street and a few other institutes like  Fitel and Bankers trust and the investment firm D.E Shaw.

Within a few years, in 1990, he became the youngest senior president of a famous investment firm ‘D.E Shaw’. In 1994, Jeff Bezos cut off his job to start his own online bookstore

Because of Jeff’s constant struggle, Amazon become one of the most popular stories of the internet. In the year of 2013, Jeff Bezos buy ‘The Washington Post’. In 2017, Jeff’s online website Amazon obtain the whole foods.

Jeff Bezos and  Amazon:

As we all know that to that starting a career in e-commerce is not a child play. Jeff Bezos launched a program named Jeff names his website on the name of a South American river Amazon.

In 1995 on July 16, Jeffs asked his 300 friends for a beta test of his website (program). In a few months, many employees start developing software with Jeff Bezos in his own garage than they spread his work into a range of two bedrooms house run on three sun micro stations.

Without any press advertisement, sells books in the US and roundabout forty five other foreign countries in just thirty days. After two months, Amazon .com sales reached across $20,000 per week. In 1997, Amazon was in the public approach.

With the launch of this website, many sponsored to come to sponsor it. After the completion of two years, many foreign-sponsored wants to sponsor this website.

Jeff Bezos continues his special struggle to make it world famous website and finally, his effort bring him sweet fruit and within a few time and Jeffs Bezos gained sky-high popularity.

Many other websites become popular but become famous like a forest fire and its sales increases from $510,000 to $17 billion within the duration of 1995 to 2011 and still know its sales are increasing day by day.

Jeff Bezos as an owner of The Washington Post :

In 2013, Jeffs Bezos buy The Washington Post.  All over the world, it becomes the point of attention when Jeffs Bezos owned The Washington Post and other popular publications and connects it with his parent company as The Washington Post Co. for $250 million.

Jeffs Bezos and Blue Origin:

Jeffs Bezos originate Blue Origin, a space exploration company. This company made technologies to cheap cost space travel to make it accessible. About this company, Jeffs Bezos said: ” We are going to make a roadway to space. And after those wonderful things happen”.

Recent month NASA declared that Blue Origin is among the 13 best choose companies to corporate on 19 modern technology projects to reach the Moon and Mars.

Jeffs Bezos net worth:

According to an estimation, Jeffs Bezos’s net worth is about $110 billion or greater than 1.9 Billion. In 2018 and also in 201,  Jeffs Bezos become on the top position of Forbes list of  Wealthiest people.

 Bezos Day One Fund:

Jeffs Bezos originates a fund ‘Bezos Day One Fund’ to aid homeless families and create a free school to provide easy access for poor children towards standard education.

Jeffs Bazos Marital Status:

Jeffs Bezos married his friend MacKenzie Tuttle. They both worked together in D.E Shaw, he was senior president and she was an administrative assistant then. Jeffs Bezos and Mackeniz Tuttle dated for a month before married. They got married in 1993. But unfortunately, they become separated in January 2019.

Jeffs’ s children:

Jeffs Bazos and Mackeniz Tuttle have four children. They have three sons and one daughter (adopted).

Teodora Torrendo
Teodora Torrendo
Teodora Torrendo is an investigative journalist and is a correspondent for European Union. She is based in Zurich in Switzerland and her field of work include covering human rights violations which take place in the various countries in and outside Europe. She also reports about the political situation in European Union. She has worked with some reputed companies in Europe and is currently contributing to USA News as a freelance journalist. As someone who has a Masters’ degree in Human Rights she also delivers lectures on Intercultural Management to students of Human Rights. She is also an authority on the Arab world politics and their diversity.

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