Friday, July 26, 2024

iOS 13.3 Bug Apple’s New Parental Controls On Ios Can Be Bypassed

Parents of young teen kids were quite happy because Apple came out with a new parental control feature. iOS 13.3 was launched a few days back and it came out with the feature of new parental controls that allowed additional communication limits. The controls allowed parents to decide who their children can call or text or Face time. The new feature restricts the kids from calling or texting someone who is not in their contact list. The surprising and disappointing thing is that these controls can be bypassed.

Details about the controls

Apple came out with a feature which lets parents control their kid’s communication with other people. The kids cannot call or Face time a person that is not present in their contact list. The parents can restrict the numbers their kids can communicate with. The downtime settings can also be controlled by the parents. The screen time can also be controlled and It looked like that the children will not be able to use the Apple devices freely. It was quite a relief for all the worried parents but it all ended up as a disaster because it is now revealed that the parental controls can be bypassed.

How the Parental controls can be bypassed?

The contact sync feature of the iCloud has bugs that are making the bypassing applicable. A restricted user can call or text any number due to these bugs present in the iCloud and the communication limits wouldn’t work. Same is the case with Facetime and the new feature has failed completely. The bypassing starts working when a restricted number calls or texts the user. The user can now add the number to the address book. When the number is added the user can now call, text or Facetime the user freely even though the number is not present in the allowed numbers.

If the feature was working properly adding a number to the iOS address book would have been possible without a parental PIN code but it doesn’t require the PIN right now which indicates the failure of the controls. Another effective Bypassing method is to instruct Siri to call a particular number and the AI wouldn’t care about the settings and call or text right away. The easy bypassing procedure has made the new feature a big failure.

Apple is working to fix it

Apple has admitted that the feature has a defect and they are working to fix it. This has hurt Apple’s pride because they claim to be the company that highly boasts about privacy and controls. Apple has made a claim that the feature works in some parts of iOS. If you want to check the details go to Contacts and check your iCloud account for more details. The bugs discovered in the iOS 13 have been quite a lot and Apple has promised that it will fix the issue when the iOS 14 arrives.

Read More: Can you still jailbreak your iPhone IOS 13

The current release iOS 13 has been an embarrassing release for Apple because it came out with so many flaws. The failed feature has spoiled Apple’s market and people have been really disappointed in Apple. Now the big question is what will Apple be able to combat the problem and fix the feature in the upcoming iOS 14? All the Apple users are hoping that Apple overcomes the problem and comes out with everything fixed in their next launch.  Hopefully, things will get back to normal and Apple will be able to fix the problem because they have launched such great devices to date.

Teodora Torrendo
Teodora Torrendo
Teodora Torrendo is an investigative journalist and is a correspondent for European Union. She is based in Zurich in Switzerland and her field of work include covering human rights violations which take place in the various countries in and outside Europe. She also reports about the political situation in European Union. She has worked with some reputed companies in Europe and is currently contributing to USA News as a freelance journalist. As someone who has a Masters’ degree in Human Rights she also delivers lectures on Intercultural Management to students of Human Rights. She is also an authority on the Arab world politics and their diversity.

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