Saturday, July 27, 2024

Have the changes to the MOT test made it difficult to clear?

A study of the MOT test showed over ten million cars failing since its revamp earlier this year, which is about one-third of all the cars that applied for the test. The test was initially quite simple and straight forward having been conducted for almost half a century. The vehicles that used to go through the MOT test were checked for their basics, making sure they were roadworthy, safe, and didn’t cause a lot of pollution. However, with a test that wasn’t completely up to date, many vehicles with newer technology and changes were not thoroughly tested which was a bit of an issue.

It was later suggested that the test should be revamped to make room for all these new changes and the updated MOT came around. In its first year, 10 million cars failed the test going on to prove that people don’t check on their car unless they have a major issue or a breakdown. Otherwise, they use them for as long as they can and only get them fixed in case of an emergency or severe issue.

Initially, vehicles were tested for the status of their engines while also making sure there was enough engine oil in the car. Cars were checked for their emissions, functional headlights and taillights, and in many cases double-checked their dashboard indicators. There were other checks to make sure the lights are bright enough to see ahead. Other than the main checks, cars are now tested for smaller, not as significant ones which are quite often missed by owners. Some of these include having enough cleaning liquid for the windscreen. The sturdiness of the steering wheel which is another requirement according to the new rules. It has to be on point. If the steering is not in line or tilted to one side it could be an issue with clearing the test.

The test was now judged on a five-point rating scale and each section of the vehicle was
examined individually and not like in the past. Cars would now receive a rating per exam and know which ones went well and which didn’t so they could maintain or fix those parts.
Other changes have been mentioned for the long haul like a cap on speeding but will only be implemented around 2022. Furthermore, the system is also talking about increasing the fines for individuals breaking certain rules. Parking on the footpath, along with speeding could cost a lot more. There are new rules about driver licenses and insurance for vehicles that would be revamped based on the Brexit verdict. Certain car owners could need an international driver’s license depending on where they want to drive post the finalization of Brexit.

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All vehicles are going to be revamped to meet the minimum requirement and match global
standards. Additionally, there are talks about new areas being added under the MOT test so
those vehicles are thoroughly examined as well. Cars that run on diesel are getting a lot of heat about their emissions and will have to match their emission standards.

Teodora Torrendo
Teodora Torrendo
Teodora Torrendo is an investigative journalist and is a correspondent for European Union. She is based in Zurich in Switzerland and her field of work include covering human rights violations which take place in the various countries in and outside Europe. She also reports about the political situation in European Union. She has worked with some reputed companies in Europe and is currently contributing to USA News as a freelance journalist. As someone who has a Masters’ degree in Human Rights she also delivers lectures on Intercultural Management to students of Human Rights. She is also an authority on the Arab world politics and their diversity.

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