Friday, May 3, 2024

10 Necessities to Make a Marketer’s Life Easier

Whether you’re just entering the industry or you’re an experienced marketer, it’s a demanding job.  But, it’s also a rewarding one. Reward yourself a little bit with some of these accessories to help make each day just a bit easier.


  1. We Rate Dogs Day Calendar

It’s pretty important to keep track of the days of the week: meetings, deadlines, launch times, call times; there’s a lot for you to keep track of.  More importantly, you likely need a little humor brought to your desk. This calendar brings you a daily dose of dogs sure to bring a small smile or a little laugh to your morning as you tear of yesterday’s page and check out today’s picture.

  1. Zen Mini Garden

Realistically, you’re probably more than a little bit stressed.  You’ve got clients to manage, campaigns to update, products to market, meetings to attend, and that’s only half of it.  Keep your mental space clear, relaxed, and at ease, so you can better perform at work. A little garden is sure to bring you some peace.  When you start to get a bit overwhelmed, grab the mini rake and feel relaxed.

  1. Kool8 Water Bottle

You barely have time to eat or sleep, let’s not bother to add drinking more water to this list. This water bottle is perfect to keep on the desk and it will last you quite a while before you need to get up and refill.  No need to waste the time! It’s also eco-friendly, fully insulated, and has a tea dispenser in the top in case you want a little flavor. Durable, sleek, and modern, it’s a great desk accessory that’s also functional.

  1. Audible Subscription

Reading is not only relaxing, but it helps with focus, it promotes self-growth, and is a habit of highly successful people.  Just because you may find it hard to sit down and pull out a book to read doesn’t mean you have to skip out on all the great reads that are out right now. With thousands of audio books ready to go, you have a wide selection of books to choose from for that (possibly) long drive home from work.

  1. Mr. Coffee Mug Warmer

Everyone deserves to have a nice, hot cup of coffee to give them a little extra fuel in the morning (or in the afternoon) and this little mug warmer is the perfect fit for your desk.  It heats the coffee up quickly, has a long extension cord to reach the wall, and even has indicator lights so you won’t forget when it’s on. 

  1. Cell Phone Stand

One screen is probably not enough for you, as you’re making phone calls on one device and typing information onto the other.  Keep your iPhone charged and ready to go so you don’t miss out on that next call, and keep it in a stand so you can check on the screen as needed.  Keep it convenient for yourself.

  1. Posture Corrector

A standing desk might be an easier solution, but they certainly aren’t cheap.  Regardless, you don’t want to skimp out for yourself on your own health. Posture is significantly impacted after spending large portions of the day in front of a computer and is worsened by sitting. Throw this on for a simple 20-30 minutes a day to help ease the physical burden of being hunched over all day.

  1. Fitbit Charge 3

Get up, move around, take a stroll.  Studies show that sitting for 8 hours or more a day can be hard on the body, but that it can help significantly to take strolls and walks and to do stretches throughout the day to get the blood flow moving and to stretch the limbs a bit. A Fitbit Charge 3 device (great review here) serves as a great reminder that you need to get up and move about multiple times a day.

  1. Stain Remover

Yes, this one is quite a bit less fun than some of the other accessories on this list, but if the presentation is everything, you might want to get that coffee stain removed from the top of your shirt before you head into the Skype conference this afternoon.  These are quick, efficient, and don’t damage fabrics.  Keep one in your work desk for an emergency.

  1. Echo SmartPen

Whether you’re jotting a note down on a post-it, marking it into a calendar, or planning out major ideas on a notepad, don’t waste any time trying to get it onto your computer.  The smart pen lets you write down the material and can hold up to 2GB of data. The added bonus: it’s a recorder as well as a pen, so you can take notes verbally or record important conversations to come back to later.

Teodora Torrendo
Teodora Torrendo
Teodora Torrendo is an investigative journalist and is a correspondent for European Union. She is based in Zurich in Switzerland and her field of work include covering human rights violations which take place in the various countries in and outside Europe. She also reports about the political situation in European Union. She has worked with some reputed companies in Europe and is currently contributing to USA News as a freelance journalist. As someone who has a Masters’ degree in Human Rights she also delivers lectures on Intercultural Management to students of Human Rights. She is also an authority on the Arab world politics and their diversity.

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