Thursday, July 25, 2024

Is it safe to travel to Egypt 2020?

Are you interested in seeing the Pyramid, the king’s valley and Abu Simbel with your naked eye? But do you have a concern about safety in Egypt? Read on to know the details. Muslim countries are not popular among tourists around the world. The terrorist attacks and human rights issues have kept western tourists away from Muslim countries. So there are many tourists who are curious about Is Egypt safe to visit? The answer is that Yes it is still very much safe to visit. You can’t miss out on the historical sites and wonders of the world for this petty concern.

General safety in Egypt

Because of the terrorist attacks in 2013, the tourist rate fell to almost zero in the country. Since 2018 it has fairly improved and a lot of western tourists are touring the country. The attacks in Egypt were not targeted towards foreigners so safety concerns for tourist shouldn’t be an issue. The security is Egypt is quite strong and they know very well how to protect the civilians and the tourists. Terrorists’ attacks are even happening in the USA and other parts of the world so making this an issue to stop visiting the country is not valid.

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Is Cairo safe at Night?

Cairo is a big city and it pretty common for tourists to get lost in the massive markets in Cairo. You should wear any expensive accessories or take a huge amount of cash with you while strolling in the market because the risks of theft are likely to arise. Some locals might stare at you because western tourists are not seen very commonly in Egypt.

Which tour guide companies are safe in Egypt?

Because of the lingering concerns, you might not have the courage to tour the country on your own. Getting help from a tour guide is a must to do the thing in Egypt. There have been some terrorist attacks that targeted tour busses so it is very important for you to choose a reliable travel company. is a reliable company to contact to hire an expert and reliable tour guide for you.

Travel Safety for female travelers in Egypt

Egypt is safe for females but make sure that you dress conservatively and modestly. Make sure to not get involved with strangers and avoid flirting around with men. Don’t pick random taxis and always call them through your hotel. There have been rumors of female harassment in Egypt so make sure that you stay alert and on your toes during your tour.

Common Scams in Egypt

The shop owners and peddlers are too desperate to sell their items and they can scam you with selling fake and used products. The golden rule is to not talk to any locals in the Pyramid area because if you do there are high chances of you getting scammed for one reason or the other. The locals might make an offer to guide you to take a safer route to tour the city. This might seem like a tempting offer but they might ask for reward money in return of their favor.

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Health Concerns in Egypt

Egypt has hot weather and the restaurant there don’t really have a strict regime to protect their food items from going bad or stale. The most common problem that you might face is Diarrhea and you might spoil your trip by ending up on a hospital bed. Never go swimming the River Nile because the insides of the river are covered up with trash and dirt.

Teodora Torrendo
Teodora Torrendo
Teodora Torrendo is an investigative journalist and is a correspondent for European Union. She is based in Zurich in Switzerland and her field of work include covering human rights violations which take place in the various countries in and outside Europe. She also reports about the political situation in European Union. She has worked with some reputed companies in Europe and is currently contributing to USA News as a freelance journalist. As someone who has a Masters’ degree in Human Rights she also delivers lectures on Intercultural Management to students of Human Rights. She is also an authority on the Arab world politics and their diversity.

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