Thursday, July 25, 2024

2020 United States Senate elections

Senate Battle 2020

Senate elections are going to be held on 03 November 2020. As you know there are two political powers in the United States of America Democrats and Republicans. Both these powers will try to win the unified control of Congress and the seat of president in 2020. Current Republican President Donald Trump will try to be re-elected in the 2020 elections. But the winning race is going to be very tough. It is not easy for the current Republican President to stay as the head of the state.

All 435 seats in the United States House of Representatives, 34 of 100 in the United States Senate, and the office to the President of the United States will be contested. Both parties will try their full powers to have complete control over congress and the office of the president. Here in this article, we will try to predict the democrat’s possible win of senate elections, on the basis of solid and true scenarios.

Could Democrats actually remap the senate 2020 elections? Or are they already blowing their best chance? Democrats are fighting for the presidency but can they win the senate elections 2020?Most of the focus of the 2020 election on so far as a course been on the president’s office. But the senate elections also presents the tough challenges for Democrats, who are trying to win back the majority from Republicans. These concerns were highlighted at the first Democratic presidential debate last week. When almost every candidate including sitting senators struggled to answer how they will push through their agenda if Republicans maintain their control in the senate. The Democrats stated that the fight is still going on.

How much of a challenge is it for the Democrats to say they win the Whitehouse. But if they don’t win control back at the senate

Republicans’ razor-thin three-seat majority in the Senate will be among the biggest fights during the 2020 election cycle, as Democrats look to not only win the White House but also gain full control of Congress.

Part of the reason this is such a big opportunity for Democrats is that Republicans will have to defend 22 seats in 2020 (many were first elected 2014 — a very strong year for Republicans) meaning Democrats are on offense. They are up in just 12 states.

Democrats do have certain factors playing in their favor. Trump’s low approval rating could be a drag on Republicans’ reelection bids, helping some Democrats ride to victory. After all, Trump is polling on net at -13 in Colorado, -15 in Maine, and -7 in Arizona-the places where the Democrats need to shoot their best.

But even with all that going for them, the path to a majority is still tenuous.

“What makes this map very deceiving was in 2018, Democrats had to defend five seats in states Trump won by 19 points or more,” said Jennifer Duffy, a Senate expert at the nonpartisan Cook Political Report. “In this case, there’s no Republican sitting in a state that Clinton won by more than 5.”

Just three Republican seats seem truly competitive, as far as the Cook Political Report is concerned: Colorado, Arizona, and Maine. The rest is a sea of red, including one seat Democrats, have to defend in ultraconservative Alabama.

If Democrats manage to retake the White House, a Senate majority stands between them and the ability to pursue any real legislative agenda and, crucially, the ability to confirm nominees to the Supreme Court and other important positions. Without the Senate, some of Democrats’ most ambitious ideas will remain pipe dreams.

The Biggest Targets of Democrats in Senate Election 2020:

There are four biggest targets of Democrats Colorado, Arizona, Maine and to keep Alabama blue.



The best fighting field for Democrats if Colorado. The biggest gun from the side of Democrats is former governor John Hickenlooper who dropped his race of presidential elections to proceed with his senate campaign. He had to fight and win from 11 other candidates like former state Sen. Michael Johnston, former Colorado House Speaker Andrew Romanoff, former Colorado House Majority Leader Alice Madden, former Ambassador Dan Baer, a climate activist Diana Bray, community activist Lorena Garcia, University of Colorado’s Colorado Springs professor and pastor Stephany Rose Spaulding, former U.S. Attorney John Walsh, Denver-based immigration advocate Michelle Ferrigno Warren, Colorado state Rep. Angela Williams and scientist Trish Zornio.

What is the Arena?

As we mentioned above, Colorado is probably the most challenging target for Democrats in 2020 senate elections. According to prediction, the situation is converting into the favor of Democrats in Colorado. As the young voters of Latino population in the state has changed the scenario completely in the favor of Democrats and Trump has lost the majority of his voters in past few years. The young voters are turned around due to the policy of Trump about the border wall. Gardner, who still has to play to a Republican base that likes Trump, has done little to distant him from the president.



Mark Kelly, a retired astronaut, military veteran and gun control advocate

What’s the Arena?

McSally lost her Senate race to Democrat KyrstenSinema in 2018 and got to be a senator anyways, appointed to serve out McCain’s term. Now she has to run again in a special election — and actually win — to keep her seat. In other words, Arizona Republicans have to prove that their losing candidate is actually a winner. McSally is a well-known entity in Arizona after Republicans pulled out all the stops for her just last year. The problem is, even with high name recognition, she’s still not that popular — which is why McCarthy has thrown his hat into the ring. National Republicans are backing McSally, but you can never count out an unexpected Republican primary challenger.

Kelly is the husband to former House representative Gabby Giffords, who was shot in the head in 2011 at a local event in Tuscon, Arizona; together they run the group Americans for Responsible Solutions, a non-profit and Super PAC dedicated to preventing gun violence. The race is within reach for Democrats; Kelly has been raising more money than McSally, and despite being lesser-known is well-liked.



Incumbent Sen. Doug Jones.

What’s the Arena?

Jones won an unbelievable Democratic victory in the Alabama Senate special election to replace former Attorney General Jeff Sessions in December of 2017. He defeated Moore, who has been accused of multiple instances of inappropriate sexual behavior with teenage girls, one as young as 14, when he was in the 30s, and who has questioned whether Muslims should be allowed to serve in Congress, and stated homosexuality should be illegal.

Nationally, Senate Republicans cut financial ties with Moore in 2017, but the party largely stood by Moore — as did Donald Trump, who said he had “NOTHING against Roy Moore” — after establishment candidate Luther Strange lost the Republican primary.

If Moore somehow gets the nomination again, Democrats might be in better shape, but the dynamics will still be tough. Alabama’s electorate heavily sides with Republicans by 27 points which have sunk Jones’s approval rating in the state. Jones’ chief media strategist Joe Trippi told after the race that “key to us having a chance was to detribalize the politics of the state. If Alabama was reacting to the tribal politics of our times, there was no way for us to win.” To win, they will have to do that again — but this time in presidential election cycle.



Maine House Speaker Sara Gideon, who was endorsed by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. Progressive activist Betsy Sweet and attorney Bre Kidman are also running as Democrats.

What’s the Arena?

Collins has never had a reason to be nervous about her re-election; she’s the quintessential moderate Maine Republican and has sailed to victory numerous times. But Collins is already facing attacks from both sides: Republicans are still incensed with her pivotal no vote helping defeat the 2017 GOP bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act and Democrats are furious with her yes votes on the GOP tax bill and confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Plus, Maine voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016, and Trump’s approval rating there is at a dismal 37 percent.

Teodora Torrendo
Teodora Torrendo
Teodora Torrendo is an investigative journalist and is a correspondent for European Union. She is based in Zurich in Switzerland and her field of work include covering human rights violations which take place in the various countries in and outside Europe. She also reports about the political situation in European Union. She has worked with some reputed companies in Europe and is currently contributing to USA News as a freelance journalist. As someone who has a Masters’ degree in Human Rights she also delivers lectures on Intercultural Management to students of Human Rights. She is also an authority on the Arab world politics and their diversity.

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